How To Write A Pro- or Anti-War Song

written by Melanie Naumann

The Power of War Songs: Telling Stories Through Music

War songs are powerful. They capture emotions, tell stories, and challenge our beliefs about conflict.

From heartache to heroism, these songs dive deep into the human spirit.

But what makes a war song truly stand out?

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Understanding War Songs

Writing a war song isn't just about good lyrics. It's about understanding why you're writing it and what message you want to send.

War songs challenge beliefs, evoke emotions, and force people to confront the realities of war.

To write a song like that, we have to tap into the human experience behind the headlines: the sacrifice, the loss, the resilience, and the hope.

Five Key Areas

Whether you want to write a pro- or an anti-war song, there are five main areas we have to focus on to make this kind of song not only work but also make it a powerful song that clearly communicates the message of when it’s wrong and when it’s the right time to fight.

Core Need

War isn't just about one person's survival. It’s about the survival of a tribe, its culture and way of life. Because war threatens not only our life, but also our resources, our employment, our home, everyone around us, … so it threatens our safety at all possible levels. We risk losing it all.

War songs focus on the safety of these groups, like in the song The Trooper by Iron Maiden, where the band sings about soldiers fighting for their tribe's survival.

Core Emotion

War songs pull listeners in by playing with life-and-death stakes for characters we’ve grown attached to.

But what drives a war story in a song is intrigue—that intense need to know “what’s coming next… how will they survive or handle this impossible situation?”

Especially because the focus is on how the characters work together to survive.

We’re drawn in by seeing how the main character and their allies fight for victory while trying to hold on to their sense of humanity.

Download the FREE PDF cheat sheet on how you can write powerful and impactful lyrics for a song about war. The cheat sheet includes song examples and the key aspects to pull this off.

Honor vs. Dishonor

A big theme in war songs is honor. How do the characters protect their people without losing their humanity?

Songs like Hero of War by Rise Against show us this struggle. The song's character dreams of becoming a hero, but through war, he discovers that he has done dishonorable things. This makes him rethink what honor truly means.

Prescriptive and Cautionary Songs

War songs can give messages of hope or warnings.

The message for songs that deliver a prescriptive message is: “Honor results from the noble self-sacrifice of warriors.”

The song Arlington by Trace Adkins honors soldiers who have died bravely.

In contrast, One by Metallica warns about the dangers and pain of war.

So, the main idea for songs or stories that deliver a cautionary message is: “Dishonor results when leaders corrupt warriors’ sacrifices on the battlefield.”

And that’s where you can find all those anti-war songs that show how dishonorably people treat the opponent or their own people at times of war.

Setting Up the Story with Conventions & Obligatory Moments

To make a war song engaging, it should include certain themes.

For example, a song might tell about someone sacrificing themselves, like in the song American Soldier by Toby Keith.

It could also show a big battle or the internal struggles of a soldier, like in the song War Pigs by Black Sabbath, which criticizes politicians and their war tactics.

Please check out the free cheatsheet for a full list of genre conventions and obligatory moments.


In summary, creating a powerful war song means understanding the emotions, needs, and messages you want to convey.

By exploring honor, courage, and sacrifice, these songs can connect deeply with listeners.

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