Two Questions to make your Song Resonate With Your Audience

written by Melanie Naumann

Are you ready to dive into the heart of songwriting success?

If you're aiming to write songs that speak to people so they feel this song was written just for them, there are two crucial questions you absolutely must answer first.

WHO are you writing your song for?

Picture this: you're standing on stage, basking in the spotlight, ready to deliver your masterpiece.

Who’s out there in the crowd, hanging onto your every word?

That's your ideal listener.

The one whose heart you want to touch, whose life you want to change with your music.

Imagine the impact of your song resonating so deeply with someone that they carry its melody in their hearts forever. That’s the power you hold in your hands.

But here’s the real secret sauce to accomplish this scenario: empathy.

So let's get back to the beginning... before you're on that stage singing that song, and you're sitting down to write it.

The first thing you gotta know is WHO are you writing this song for?

Who is that person?

Once you have someone in mind (and yes, it can be yourself at one point in your life, too), once you got that person, the next question is:

What PROBLEM are they struggling with right now?

Put yourself in their shoes.

  • What are they going through?
  • Are they grappling with a breakup?
  • Feeling like life has dealt them an unfair hand?
  • Stuck in a rut with no clear way out?

Successful songs don’t just scratch the surface; they delve deep into the human experience.

Take Gloria Gaynor’s anthem, “I Will Survive,” for example.

It’s not just a catchy tune; it’s a lifeline for anyone who's felt trapped in a toxic relationship.

Every lyric springs from a place of understanding and empathy.

And that’s the magic of songwriting—being able to reach into someone’s soul and say, “I see you. I understand you. And you’re not alone.”

Neil Diamond once said:

“It's about touching people's hearts and making a difference in their lives...!”

And he couldn’t be more spot on.

Because at its core, songwriting isn’t just about crafting melodies; it’s about weaving stories that resonate with the human spirit.

So, the next time you sit down to write your song, remember this: your song has the power to heal, to inspire, to uplift.

Embrace vulnerability, tap into empathy, and watch your song move people and change lives.

Because the most successful songs aren’t just songs; they’re beacons of hope in a world that desperately needs them.

Storytelling in Songwriting Narrative Songwriting Online Course

The best way to improve is by getting feedback!

If you want to be confident in your lyrics before you record your song, you can now sign up below to get constructive, actionable feedback on your song lyrics. So you know what works and how you can do better so that you can hook, move, and impact your audience with your words.

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Thanks for reading,


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